Real Estate Tax Protests and Appeals

We may be able to help you pay less in real estate taxes. With few exceptions, all real property in Minnesota is taxed every year. Property is assigned a “class,” such as residential, industrial and commercial. The assessor values the property and taxes are paid based on the class of the property and the value of the property. As a property owner you have the right to challenge the classification of your property and the value. The lawyers at Malkerson Gunn Martin LLP have extensive experience successfully representing clients who have been unfairly taxed. Examples include:

  • Major downtown office/retail property: Valuation reductions of more than $30,000,000.

  • Retail property: Valuation reductions of more than $1,000,000 for multiple properties.

  • Office Showroom / Industrial Property. Valuation reductions of more than $5,000,000 for multiple properties.

  • Corporate campus: Valuation reduction of more than $5,000,000.

  • Major Entertainment facility: Valuation reduction of more than $15,000,000.

You must challenge your taxes in a timely fashion every year. Failure to timely start the action eliminates any possibility of a reduction or refund.

We encourage you contact the lawyers at Malkerson Gunn Martin LLP to evaluate whether you may be entitled to a real estate tax reduction or refund.